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WEEK 14 - Part One

I posted three posts and scheduled them and paid $1 a day for a few days, I then paid another one for a scheduled post for $1 for five days!

I choose a target ad for Sports people, women and men, age 35 to 65 years old and live a mile from the Aurora Mall.  For a $1 a day said it would go to 165 to 600 people each day.

I added call to action, directions so guests would know where the shop is located.  Since this is a brick and mortar store and we don't have a website, I felt directions was the call to action one to have.  I also added like the page.

I am showing 3 ads with the following pictures of the sport jackets we offer:

*  I targeted a Colorado jacket and targeted Moms Day to post on Wednesday afternoon to Sunday. with a tag to purchase for Mom

* I then targeted a Dodger Blue jacket since many people in Colorado are from Los Angeles and the Dodgers are playing the Rockies next week!  This ad went out today with a boost so I can track it next  week to see how many people were hit.

*Then I placed an ad with all the jackets and put this on business google to see if I can track where these posts go.  I tried to do a boost and pay but I was having trouble getting this done.

I only showed jackets as that is all the store sells, so just showing the jackets was the best way to show them and use the demographics that would apply to particular team with funny posts!

Here are the posts:


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